Use a different version of jshint

So I’m trying to change the JavaScript linter to use the latest version of JSHint and it doesn’t seem to be working. I’m running Komodo IDE 8.5.4 on Win7.

I tried just downloading a copy of jshint.js from, but when I set the customer jshint to the downloaded file and refresh the syntax check pane, I get no linter errors even though I know there are some that should show up. When I tail the error log, a syntax check generates the following entry:

[2014-11-12 11:12:26,584] [WARNING] koJavaScriptLinter: Error in jslint/jshint: stderr: C:\Users\pgeer\bin/jshint.js:7:145 Error: Cannot find module 'jshint'
, command was: [u'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ActiveState Komodo IDE 8\\lib\\mozilla\\js.exe', u'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ActiveState Komodo IDE 8\\lib\\support\\lint\\javascript\\lintWrapper.js', u'--include=C:\\Users\\pgeer\\bin/', u'--jshint-basename=jshint.js', u'bitwise=true', u'curly=true', u'eqeqeq=true', u'es3=true', u'forin=true', u'iterator=true', u'maxerr=100', u'maxlen=120', u'noarg=true', u'nonbsp=true', u'undef=true', u'predef=["FWK","Ext","OpenLayers","Pol","localization"]', 'strict=false']

Anybody know what’s going on there? Is there something else that I need to do? Or has there just been some change to JSHint that’s incompatible with Komodo’s linter?

Note that the motivation for this is I’d like to make use of JSHint’s inline configuration comments (particularly with globals), which don’t seem to be supported by whatever version ships with Komodo.

I haven’t managed to make it work either. :frowning: As far as I remember there is a ticket about updating jshint to the latest version for komodo 9. However, inline configuration works fine for me:

/*globals document, console*/

Note that there is no space between /* and globals.

First thing, you need to make sure you’re using a compatible variant of jshint.js. I tested the one at

and then I found a bug, logged at

Easy fix.

Ah, it only works if there’s no space. So that’s the trick. Having a space after the /* seemed natural and that’s how it’s written in the JSHint docs, so it never even occurred to me to try omitting it. In that case, I guess I don’t really need a newer version after all. Thanks!