Strange HDD activity Komodo Edit on Mac

I run into high HDD load w/o any visible reason so i decided to dig into and found strange Komodo activity:

04:16:04.020 stat64 /Users/yaroslav/.DS_Store 0.000005 komodo-bin
04:16:04.020 stat64 /Users/yaroslav/.fonts.cache-1 0.000005 komodo-bin
04:16:04.020 stat64 /Users/yaroslav/.gitconfig 0.000005 komodo-bin
04:16:04.020 stat64 /Users/yaroslav/.gitignore_global 0.000005 komodo-bin
04:16:04.020 stat64 /Users/yaroslav/.gitk 0.000005 komodo-bin
04:16:04.020 stat64 /Users/yaroslav/.hgignore_global 0.000005 komodo-bin
04:16:04.020 stat64 /Users/yaroslav/.javafx_eula_accepted 0.000005 komodo-bin
04:16:04.020 stat64 /Users/yaroslav/.keystore 0.000005 komodo-bin
04:16:04.020 stat64 /Users/yaroslav/.mysql_history 0.000005 komodo-bin
04:16:04.020 stat64 /Users/yaroslav/.parallels_settings 0.000005 komodo-bin

There are tons of such records and it continuously examine my home directory. From couple times per minute to tens times per minute.

Why does it happens? Is it correct behavior?

Komodo will watch for file changes, so perhaps it’s detecting a file has been modified and now updating it’s directory information (aka the stat64’s).

There are many components inside of Komodo that will add directory watchers, such as:

  • Places tree - (in the left pane) which may be showing your home directory
  • Open files - Komodo watches for any changes to them
  • Project files
  • Breadcrumbs or Fast Open (to show/search filesystem on demand)

It can’t be any of that.

• My places tree in the left pane showing current project directory outside home dir
• No any opened files from home directory
• All project files are located in my projects directory outside home dir
• Fast open also showing file only in current project dir

Actually all my projects and .komodoproject files are located inside /Application/AMPPS/www

It still could be the Breadcrumbs (shown in the Komodo statusbar) - you could try disabling that extension (in the Tools > Add-ons dialog) to see if that changes anything.