PHP calltips get MIXED-UP when creating same name objects

$tempObjA = new myClassCars();
$tempObjA->getColor();  //calltip **works**, I get list of variables, functions in **myClassCars**

$tempObjA = new myClassTies();
$tempObjA->getMaterial(); //calltip **DOES NOT work**, I get list of variables, functions in **myClassCars** not from **myClassTies**

//----The calltip here/below both work when I create objects with different names, but on the above where objects have same name, on the second object the hints point to the first object.

$tempObjA = new myClassCars();
$tempObjA->getColor();  //calltip works, I get list of variables, functions in **myClassCars**

$tempObjB = new myClassTies();
$tempObjB->getMaterial(); //(calltip works, I get list of variables, functions in **myClassTies**

Hope I get my point accross, am new to alot of this stuff, thanks