Hyperlink error when reaching Source via Remote Tcl Debugging in Eclipse

I’m using Eclipse IDE for TCL language with Remote Tcl Debugging (10.0.1)

When I’m just running the code, it’s pass perfectly yet when I’m trying to Debug, and reaching “Source” command,
i got Hyperlink Error: Unable to parse file name from hyperlink
invalid command name "while" while executing "while {[regexp -indices "\n invoked from within\n\"\[^\n\]*__DbgNub__" $errorInfo range]} { set newInfo [string range $errorInfo 0 [lindex $range..." (procedure "DbgNub_cleanErrorInfo" line 13) invoked from within "DbgNub_cleanErrorInfo $result DbgNub_sourceCmd info" (procedure "source" line 176) invoked from within "source $argv0" invoked from within "if {$encoding eq {}} { source $argv0 } else { source -encoding $encoding $argv0 }" (file "C:/Program Files (x86)/TCL/Debugger/Komodo-TclRemoteDebugging-10.0.1-89237-win32-x86/appLaunch.tcl" line 108)

Program code:
set project_path [pwd] puts "Project path: $project_path" source bin/Eclipse_analog_start.tcl

Please help

Hi, you’ll have to invoke your remote Tcl application as described in http://docs.komodoide.com/Manual/debugtcl#debugging-tcl-komodo-ide-only_remote-tcl-debugging. I’m also assuming Eclipse supports the DBGP protocol.

Please ask for support on the Eclipse forums. We do not provide support for other editors.The remote debugging bits are intended for use with Komodo, though you could certainly try and re-purpose them we cannot provide support for this.

His error occurs in our Tcl debugging code though, so we should at least be able to provide support for that (hence why I pointed to our documentation on invoking remote Tcl debugging stuff). I agree helping with Eclipse is another matter.

Hi, thanks for reply.
I have downloaded ActiveState Komodo IDE 10.0 and have the same Error

invalid command name "while"
    while executing
"while {[regexp -indices "\n    invoked from within\n\"\[^\n\]*__DbgNub__"  $errorInfo range]} {
	set newInfo [string range $errorInfo 0 [lindex $range..."
    (procedure "DbgNub_cleanErrorInfo" line 13)
    invoked from within
"DbgNub_cleanErrorInfo $result DbgNub_sourceCmd info"
    (procedure "source" line 176)
    invoked from within
"source $argv0"
    invoked from within
"if {$encoding eq {}} {
    source $argv0
} else {
    source -encoding $encoding $argv0
    (file "C:/Program Files (x86)/ActiveState Komodo IDE 10/lib/support/tcl/appLaunch.tcl" line 108)

Do you have a sample Tcl source file that causes this problem? That may help us figure out what is going wrong. The error message by itself is not enough in this case. Thanks!

This is the code file file with the problem:

set project_path [pwd]
puts "Project path: $project_path"

source "bin/Eclipse_analog_start.tcl"

The code inside Eclipse_analog_start.tcl source (this source calls for all sources needed for our scripts to work):

# additional global libraries
source bin/bg_ops.tcl
source bin/cg_sups.tcl
source bin/proc_manage.tcl

source bin/timer_class.tcl

source lib/Ethereal.tcl
source lib/Syslog.tcl
source lib/web_client.tcl
source lib/config.tcl
source lib/ARC.tcl
source lib/json.tcl
... Theres more sources

Sorry for the confusion. I should have been more clear. I meant do you have a sample Tcl source file that I can use on my local test machine that causes the problem? Right now I cannot reproduce the issue.

The files are here: Link

“Eclipse_start” is the script to run, inside it calls “source” for “Eclipse_analog_start”

Eclipse_start located at “some_path/Eclipse_start.tcl”
While Eclipse_analog_start located at “some_path/bin/Eclipse_analog_start.tcl”
Note that inside Eclipse_analog_start.tcl there’s sources from “lib” which located at "some_path/lib/.tcl"

I cannot run those scripts on my machine. Until you provide a simple script that I can run, I cannot help. For example, I used this script:

set x 1
set y 2
puts "hi"

I put a breakpoint on line 2 (set y 2) and ran Komodo’s debugger. No errors or any problems related to the ones you described.

OK i have found the code that couse the error: File
You can try to debug this file directly (no source needed)

Apparently, one of the sources overwrite the “while” function, have no idea why yet its there and i guess its needed.
Now the question is why do we have this error (and only in Debug mode)?

The Tcl debugging code makes use of the default “while” behavior. If you have a script that overrides it, then the debugger will fail. There’s nothing we can do about this. It also explains why this error only occurs in debug mode; outside of debug mode, there is no external code run that depends on the default “while”.